Personal Profile

I studied Mathematics both during my Bachelor's and Master's degrees, focusing mainly on the field of Probability and Statistics, with some complements of Computer Science and Machine Learning.
Starting from my master's thesis I started to work with GENEOs (Group Equivariant Non-Expansive Operators) digging a bit into the field of TDA (Topological Data Analysis). My thesis was about trying to do Statistics in a space of GENEOs, which is still an open problem. Now the PhD is focused of applications of GENEOs in the field of medicinal chemistry, in fact it is founded by the Italian pharmaceutical company Dompè Farmaceutici S.p.A.
10/2021 -
PhD in Mathematics
University of Milan
Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Project: "Study and development of new explainable machine learning models based on GENEOs with applications to Protein Pocket Detection".
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Micheletti.
Cosupervisors: Prof. Patrizio Frosini, Dr. Carmine Talarico.
02/2021 - 07/2021
Scholarship for Promising Graduates
University of Milan
Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Project: "GENEO theory and Topological Data Analysis for signal analysis."
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandra Micheletti
10/2018 - 10/2020
Master's Degree in Mathematics
University of Milan
Department of Mathematics
Thesis: "Probabilistic-Geometric Study of GENEO Operators. Applications to data analysis."
Supervisors: Prof. Alessandra Micheletti, Prof. Patrizio Frosini.
09/2015 - 10/2018
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
University of Milan
Department of Mathematics
Supervisor: Dr. Nicoletta Bressan.